What is HALAL Gelatin? (and how to use it!)

Safiya Rahman

September 06, 2023
Muslim man discusses what is halal gelatin

Gelatin is a substance that regularly surfaces in conversations with Muslims about products that are halal or haram.

As children, we were taught not to eat gummy candies, sweets or even some ice cream which included types of gelatin, but many of us don't know the actual Islamic law behind this, or the origins of gelatin found in these popular foods.

What is gelatin?

What is gelatin?

Gelatin is a common ingredient employed across the food industry. Derived from the partial hydrolysis of collagen found in connective tissues, skin of animals, and animal bones, gelatin gives products that unique consistency, sometimes seen in fluffy sweets.

Gelatin is a partially see-through, colourless, flavourless substance extracted from this hot water boiling method.

It's hardly surprising that the halal status of gelatin has become an important point of discussion among Muslims who follow a halal diet, a diet regulated by stringent rules enshrined in Islamic law.

Of course, the debate here hinges on the halal status of the animals the tissue, skin and bones are taken from. Indeed we find verses in the Qur'an about which animal sources are permissible for human consumption as a Muslim:

“He has forbidden you only the Maytah (dead animals), and blood, and the flesh of swine…” [Surah al-Baqarah 2:173]

The differences between gelatin and gelatine?

Gelatin and gelatine are the same thing and are alternate spellings of each other. Both gelatin and gelatine have the same chemical properties and nutritional value, but the spelling gelatine is more common in Europe and Asia, whereas gelatin is used in North America and Australia.

Types of gelatin sources

Bovine or beef gelatin

Understanding the debate around halal gelatine requires first a deep dive into the types of gelatin:

1. Pork Gelatin

This form is derived from the skins of pigs, pig bones, and other pig products. Given the widespread availability of pigs, this type of gelatin is often the primary source of gelatin in many products. However pig is considered a haram meat to Muslims.

2. Bovine Gelatin

Also known as beef gelatin, this type is extracted from cattle bones, cattle hide, calf skins, and beef bones. It’s prevalent in products where pork gelatin avoidance is a priority.

3. Fish Gelatin

This gelatin, produced using fish skins, isn’t as common but serves as an alternative, especially in pescatarian or certain kosher diets.

4. Kosher Gelatin

Although it can be sourced from fish or beef, it's essential to note that a kosher product isn't always identical with halal food standards. It is derived from permissible animals slaughtered according to kosher laws, making it an important part of many Jewish diets.

5. Vegetarian Gelatin

Crafted to emulate the gelling properties of animal-sourced gelatin, this plant-based substance eliminates the need for animal products entirely. Cornstarch and agar agar (algae-based) are often used to replicate the texture of gelatin.

Does halal gelatin exist under Islamic law?

The halal status of gelatin under Islamic law

The terms 'halal' and 'haram' come from the Arabic language, translating to 'permissible' and 'forbidden' respectively in Islamic law. The halal diet, influenced by these dictates, prohibits specific animal products, especially from pigs. Pigs are haram to eat under Islamic law. Therefore, porcine gelatins, porcine-derived gelatin, or gelatin derived from pig products, are clearly marked as haram products.

He has only forbidden you ˹to eat˺ carrion, blood, swine, and what is slaughtered in the name of any other than Allah. But if someone is compelled by necessity—neither driven by desire nor exceeding immediate need—they will not be sinful. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. - Surah Al-Baqarah (2:173)

However, an important point to dissect is the concept of transformation, known as the Arabic word "Istihalah" in Islamic jurisprudence. It posits that if an impure substance undergoes a complete transformation in both its chemical properties and nature, it may be considered pure. This has led some Islamic scholars to argue that gelatin, despite originating from haram sources like pork, could be permissible due to its transformative processes.

A second point in this discourse revolves around the production methods and raw material sourcing. Even if transformation is accepted, gelatin derived from permissible animals (like cattle) can be considered halal only if the slaughtering and processing adhere to Islamic law.

Beef gelatin, with its roots in cattle bones, cattle hide, and other animal tissues, walks a tightrope between halal and haram. Its halal status depends heavily on factors such as how the cattle were slaughtered and the specific gelatin production methods. If the gelatin's source animal wasn't slaughtered in compliance with Islamic regulations, it becomes impermissible.

So yes, halal gelatin products can exist if the gelatin is sourced from a halal-sourced animal, it has completely transformed in the chemical process, and it is produced in a clean environment.

How to use halal gelatin

The use cases of halal gelatin

Given its gelling prowess, gelatin finds itself in a multitude of applications:

  • Food Industry: A staple in a large number of desserts, dairy products, jello brands, and fluffy sweets, providing the perfect texture and consistency.

  • Non-Food Products: Beyond the dinner table, gelatin has carved a niche in medical science for its protein substance and the essential amino acids it provides. Moreover, it's used in various non-food products, including certain cosmetics and photography essentials.

  • Health Dividends: Beyond texture, beef gelatin is packed with health benefits. Notably, it promotes joint health due to its rich protein content and essential amino acids.

To conclude, the gelatin debate among Muslims is multi-faceted:

  1. Sources: The core debate often revolves around the types of gelatin: pork gelatin, bovine gelatin, fish gelatin, and more. Each type, given its source, brings a different set of considerations to the table.

  2. Transformation: Another contention point is whether gelatin undergoes a complete transformation from its original substance during production, impacting its halal status.

  3. Verification: With potential haram substances or cross-contaminations lurking, the robustness of gelatin authentication methods used by Islamic organizations is constantly under the scanner.

For the discerning Muslim, often, the only way Muslims can be safe is to opt for products clearly stamped with a "halal" or vegetarian logo like the helal logo on halal Haribo gummy bears. This ensures that their dietary choices remain in sync with their faith. As research deepens and technology advances, gelatin remains the most studied halal ingredient, holding out hope for clearer guidelines and broader consensus in the near future.