Halal Certification: 10 Things You Need To Know

Khadija Ahmed

July 12, 2023
Muslim scientists issuing halal certification for dietary supplements

“O ye who believe! Eat of the good things wherewith We have provided you, and render thanks to Allah if it is (indeed) He whom ye worship” (2:172)

You've seen countless halal symbols and logos before, whether it's on food delivery websites, restaurants windows or on your favourite supermarket products. But if you've ever asked to see a halal certificate, do you know how the certification process works?

Here are ten essential things you need to know about the 'halal-ification' process.

1. What is Halal certification? 🧐

Halal certification is a rigorous process conducted by authorised halal certification bodies, such as HMC in the UK or World Halal Trust. These bodies specialise in evaluating and inspecting various industries to ensure compliance with Islamic principles and dietary laws. Through certification, products and services are verified as permissible (halal) for consumption or use by Muslims.

2. Authority and accreditation📝

How do halal certifiers have the power to give certificates? Well, they get recognition by established and credible Islamic authorities. This ensures that the certification process aligns with Islamic principles and meets high international standards.

A great example is The World Halal Trust Group, which is widely recognised as a reputable halal certification body, ensuring the compliance and authenticity of halal products and services worldwide.

3. Stringent criteria ☝️

Halal certification is based on strict criteria derived from the Holy Quran and Sunnah. These criteria define what is halal (permissible) and what is haram (prohibited). Ingredients, processing methods, hygiene practices, and ethical considerations are meticulously evaluated to determine compliance.

4. Halal ingredients 🌱

Halal products that get certification must not contain any ingredients derived from prohibited sources. This includes substances such as pork (porcine materials), alcohol, or animals that were not slaughtered according to Islamic guidelines and are therefore haram.

5. Processing and handling ⚙️

Halal certification also takes into account the processing and handling methods used for the product. It ensures that the entire production chain, including sourcing, manufacturing, packaging, and distribution, adheres to the halal standards.

6. Cross-contamination 🩸

Maintaining the purity of halal products is vital. Halal certification bodies inspect facilities to ensure proper separation and cleaning practices, preventing cross-contamination with non-halal substances. Stringent protocols are implemented to maintain the halal status of the product throughout the production process.

7. Ethical considerations 😇

Halal certification not only focuses on the halal status of the product but also considers ethical aspects. This includes fair trade practices, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability. Halal-certified products align with our values of compassion and responsibility towards all creations of Allah.

8. Global recognition 🌍

Halal certification has gained international recognition due to the growing demand for halal products. Many countries have established their own halal certification bodies to cater to Muslim consumers and facilitate the export of halal products worldwide. Additionally, various organisations are working towards standardising halal certification standards to promote global consistency.

9. Halal certification logos ✅

Halal-certified products have recognisable halal certification logos or symbols on their packaging. These logos provide reassurance to customers that the product has undergone a thorough certification process and meets the stringent requirements of halal compliance. Sometimes logos will be extremely well known to consumers (like HMC stamps on meat) and this gives ultimate peace of mind.

10. Consumer awareness 📣

As consumers, being aware of the importance of halal certification empowers us to make informed choices. By actively seeking out and supporting certified halal products and services, we contribute to the growth of the halal industry. Our conscious decisions encourage businesses to prioritise halal practices, fostering a halal-conscious market.